Ready to grow your social media presence? Grab The Essential Social Media Launchpad 

Ready to grow your social media presence? Grab The Essential Social Media Launchpad 

I'm Megan and I'm so glad you're here!

Hey there! I'm Megan, and I work behind the scenes in social media for small business owners. I've spent the last 15 years building brands from the inside. In 2021, I decided to start my own company and help more small businesses reach their target market. As a Social Media Manager, it's my job to come alongside you to enhance your brand recognition, customer engagement, brand experience, and overall traffic. Using proven social media strategies, I help brands just like yours to reach more of their target market organically.

Social media has the ability to bring people together. It also has the potential to build brand recognition. By engaging your customers, we can build a loyal community who will return to your business again and again. When you gain a customer's loyalty, they are more likely to refer those in their circle of influence. According to a recent Nielsen survey, while Millenials are the most trusting of referral marketing, all generations ranked at 79% or higher when it came to trust referrals from their friends. This shows how important it is to authentically engage and connect with your customers and potential customers.

So often, social media can feel like just another task on your to do list. This is why I love to help other small business owners manage their social media. By managing and optimizing your social media accounts, streamlining your sites and content, and enhancing your customer experience, I'm able to provide you the space to do what you love most in your business. After all, who starts a business looking to be chained to their laptop.

xo - Megan

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